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Friday, October 21, 2011

Eating Out

Eating Out. Seems like this is the new American Dream. I know me and my family love to go out to eat. And I've noticed that we are beginning to do this more and more. I work nights and she works 2nd shift, so we see each other a few minutes in passing and we usually have 1 day off together. I think that's where it comes from. I hate cooking and can't cook a lot so that doesn't help much when I'm home with the kids, however, I'm more likely to cook than she is.

What really stuck with me and inspired this post is the price of eating out. I'm not talking about a sit down, be waited on, family restaurant, I'm talking about McDonald's and other fast food places. If the entire family is eating, we can usually expect to pay about $22.00 at McDonald's.  That's to high! Not when I can pay 4-6 dollars for a frozen pizza and feed the family, or cook a good home meal and still only be using about 7-8 dollars. 

This is something me and my family definitely have to work on. We could definitely have a lot more money to spend on things that we would rather do. October is an especially bad month for us with eating out, and it has been for the last 6 years. Why? McDonalds has Monopoly going on! It's like crack.

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