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Friday, October 28, 2011

Update to My Setback

After I fixed problem number one with my car things ran smoothly. Now, my dash display is showing that my gas cap is loose again, which went away when I fixed the fuel filter, and my service engine light is back on. On top is this, the violent shake in the front is not cured, however it's still not as bad as it was.  Lucky for me I will be fixing this at the beginning of next week as I get paid Friday.

I'm supposed to actually receive some child support money from my son's mother(a whole other story) by the end of the month as well, an entire 250 dollars. This is believe will go to fix the other problem with my car since it's "new" money, then it's on to Christmas shopping. My youngest daughters birthday is 7 days before Christmas, so we are blessed with a little extra shopping, and she is blessed with a couple extra presents.

On a good note, I found out that my job offers a 401(K) in place of the forced retirement. I will be looking into this soon as well, because it seems with my current retirement plan I'm not allowed to play with it any as far as picking investments, and I can't roll my old 401(K) over into it according to the people that run it.  Another good note, I may be finally going to day shift! We run 3 12 hr shifts and a 6hr shift. I work 6pm to 6am on those 12hr's, and it is not fun. It'll be nice to be home with my family at night. I'll be off Thursday, Friday, and Saturday as well, which is another bonus.  I see a weekend getaway in my future.


  1. So happy to have found your blog through blogging away debt! I too blog about low income living with a family of 5! I can also relate to the whole car thing, last summer our died leaving us to bike daily 5 miles to town almost every day! So look forward to reading more!

    Will be adding you to my bloggy links on my blog for sure!

    1. oh I see you have not posted in a long long time.....hopefully things have worked out for you and you have seen many life improvements since the last time you blogged.
